A Quick Adventure

I have just returned from an amazing and exciting mini adventure. It’s really strange because living and working in the city you absolutely forget just how beautiful our country is and also that a few short hours out of the city a very different world exist’s. For this mini tour my husband and I took a road trip down to the Drakensberg and the north coast in Durban.

The Drakensberg is a mountain range that spans over 1000km and across and through 3 countries including Lesotho, Swaziland and of course South Africa. It play’s host to some of the highest peaks in the country and makes for some beautiful scenery. While we were there we stayed in a beautiful mountain lodge and were totally incommunicado with the rest of the world. It’s weird that a few days with no phone and no internet can be so freeing!

After our lost days in the berg we headed to the coast, sadly we got pretty grey and depressing weather which limited beach time, but allowed us to spend more time finding great restaurants and new places in Durban.

I’m going to go into way more detail about the places we visited, activities and restaurants but for now I thought I’d share some of the pictures of post’s to come.

Mini Road Trip
Mini Road Trip