A Taste of Turkey

The Turkish Kebab House is a small out of the way, not fancy place that serves up a wonderful array of turkish foods, mainly in the form of grilled meats.

Store Front - Turkish Kebab House
Store Front – Turkish Kebab House

It’s one of those places that isn’t well known and is not in a popular location but the food, quality and experience is well worth the effort of a visit. Another bonus is the prices are really decent for what you get. They have a take away order menu and a sit down restaurant. They also offer a fully fledged turkish butchery and mini grocer with various items such as cheese’s, labneh and spiced kebabs.

Turkish Kebab House Menu
Turkish Kebab House Menu

The food itself is actually really healthy which is one of the reasons I feel I will be investing time at this place.


The grilled meats are well spiced and flavourful and you’re served with freshly baked turkish roti/breads and a colorful variety of salads and vegetables. For me personally my favourite would be the yoghurt and cucumber side dressing and the tomato salsa that also comes with every meal. The grills come in the form of chicken, beef kebab, donner kebab and even lamb chops. Needless to say that serving sizes are more than adequate for a hearty meal.

Mixed Grill and Salad
Mixed Grill and Salad
Beyti Kebab Turkish Kebab House
Beyti Kebab Turkish Kebab House

On my last visit we tried a pide which is basically a cheesy pizza, turkish style. They come with a variety of toppings including chicken, mince, cheese and spinach to name a few and I have to say it was absolutely delicious! They use a thicker, creamier cheese (which they sell in the adjoining grocer/butcher) which makes it a perfect combination of rich and tasty.


The Turkish Kebab house is for me a wonderful little hidden gem, it’s not in the best neighbourhood and they don’t serve alcohol but it is totally worth the trip!! Its a great new experience and highly recommended!

The Turkish Kebab House:

Address: 79 Church street, Mayfair

Tel: (011) 025 1123

Love Norwood

Love Norwood
Love Norwood

In recent years Johannesburg has seen a movement towards community revival. As a result there has been an increase in markets, local music and an overall coming together. It’s always a great day for family and friends to visit a new market get some amazing food and be entertained for the day.

This past weekend my local suburb celebrated itself and hosted Love Norwood day in the local park. It was a fantastic way to spend the day! The organisers which were the local residents association managed to organise a fantastic event with a pop up market, great live music, entertainment for the kids and an overall festive celebration of the wonderful and creative offerings our small “hood” has to offer.

Pop Up Market
Pop Up Market
Artisan Food
Artisan Food

I was one of the creative participants with my baby and kids range of clothing and products – Mokopu. The event was held at a local park that borders the main road through the suburb, the events extended from the park all the way down Grant Ave. where all the local businesses got involved.

Pop Up market
Pop Up market

It turned out to be a roaring success and a wonderful way to spend the day. In addition to the array of restaurants and shops down Grant Ave. there was a pop up market with a variety of craft and food stalls. Health and fitness such as bootcamp and “self-defense” training had demonstrations. There were short guitar sessions and kids paint sessions. I personally was somewhat saddened that I didn’t get the opportunity to tour the permaculture garden that was offering tour’s throughout the day. I didn’t even know it was in the area. I did however get to enjoy the music, the event had organised a range of local performers and band’s that did an amazing job of entertaining the crowd. Undoubtedly the best part of the day was seeing people come through grab a spot on the lawns and spend the afternoon listening to great performances.

Kids having Fun at the Mokopu stall
Kids having Fun at the Mokopu stall

Other aspects of the event included an instagram competition that ran through the weeks running up to the event and photo tours on the day. All those instagram images can be seen using the #lovenorwood. Other great pictures from the day can be found on the Republic of Norwood Facebook page.

Lounging to Live Music
Lounging to Live Music

Overall, I love our little neighbourhood from the tree lined streets with people jogging or walking their dogs to the coffee shops and central stores on Grant Ave. (where I always bump into someone I know). I knew we had something special but Love Norwood day brought that little something out for everyone.

This is what love is!!

Valentines Day is almost upon us!!

I wanted to post this recipe mainly because I think it is the perfect treat for some Valentines Day celebrations or any celebrations, ok not even a celebration, at any time at all really.


I’m having some difficulty naming this delicious tasty dessert since there are so many wonderful aspects and flavours. Rich white chocolate, vanilla bean , chocolate butter pastry, fresh berries, creamy marscapone cheese and delightful cream cheese.


Then there’s the shape, I managed to make two one dainty and beautiful in a fluted tart pan and another rustic and wholesome in pie form both were delicious although the pie had more of the delicious filling. Finally, would the addition of cream cheese lean towards a part cheesecake making it a cheesecake pie/tart….


Names such as

  • Black & White berry cheesecake pie
  • Chocolate Vanilla tart
  • Double Chocolate Berry pie….

URGH!!! I don’t know what to call it other than delicious and amazing!! Any suggestions???

So the story behind the tart/pie debate came about since I made both with one recipe. I made the tart for a dinner with friends and for the beautiful blog pictures and I made the other with the remaining batter and crust in pie form for family consumption. The tart was delicious and beautiful and I managed to halt us devouring it so I could take some beautiful pictures for the blog post but alas the pictures just weren’t as great as I wanted. It was so delicious I knew I had to try get better pictures with the pie version. Hence the identification debate.


The inspiration for this dessert came about from Chocolate Marscapone Tarts over on La receta de la Felicidad and I used the pastry recipe which worked out perfectly. I completely redesigned the filling and i can vouch for how well it turned out.



Recipe: Double Chocolate Vanilla pie wonder (Another name…)

Serves : 24cm Tart / 20cm Pie



  • 200 g flour (1 3/4 cup)
  • 40 g unsweetened cocoa powder (1/3 cup)
  • 1 pinch powdered cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 80 g sugar (1/2 cup)
  • 150 g butter, very cold, and cut into squares (2/3 cup)
  • 60 ml Full cream milk


  • 100 g good quality white chocolate
  • 250 ml fresh cream
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 tub mascarpone cheese at room temperature
  • 1 Vanilla pod
  • 200 g Philadelphia Cream Cheese
  • 1/2 cup icing sugar (confectioners sugar, sifted)


  • Strawberries or any berries of your choice
  • Chocolate sauce drizzle


  1. To prepare crust: Combine Flour, sugar, cayenne pepper and salt in a large bowl. Using a grater, grate butter into bowl and using your hands work the butter into the flour mix until mixture is crumbly. Slowly add milk to the mix until it combines and comes together. Cover dough and place in a freezer for 15 min whilst heating the oven to 180C /350F.
  2. Remove crust from freezer and roll into circular form that will comfortably fit into a tart pan or pie dish. Place crust onto tart pan/pie pan cutting away excess dough at the top. Blind bake pastry for 25 – 30 min at 180 C (350 F). Allow pastry to cool completely.
  3. To prepare Filling: Place a medium saucepan on a low heat setting with the fresh cream. Once cream comes to a light boil, remove from heat and add chopped white chocolate and butter. Stir until all ingredients melt. Add vanilla seeds from 1 vanilla pod and stir all to combine.
  4. In a seperate bowl using a hand mixer or stand mixer blend cream cheese and icing sugar together, until a smooth mix forms. Add marscapone cheese and blend again until smooth. Slowly add cream, butter and chocolate mixture into the cheese mix until a thin, smooth mix results.
  5. Once pastry is cooled add filling into pastry and refridgerate until set or overnight.
  6. Remove from pan and decorate with berries and chocolate sauce to your hearts content.

Don’t forget to let me know what you think.

Maboneng – Sevensounds

Common Ground - The Maboneng Precinct
Common Ground – The Maboneng Precinct

This past weekend saw the opening and first Seven Sounds event at the Common Ground park in The Maboneng Precinct. Firstly, let me mention that The Maboneng Precinct is a the leader in the revival of Johannesburg’s inner city. The Maboneng Precinct and its many attractions definitely deserve a post of it’s own and I guarantee it will come soon.

Industrial inspired swings
Industrial inspired swings
Chess Anyone?
Chess Anyone?

The first Seven Sounds live music event was held at  Common Ground in Maboneng, Which as the name suggest’s is a musical line up made up of seven distinct and unique artists, the event started at 11 am with Matthew Mole as the start up entertainment, followed every hour by the rest of the line up including The Muffinz, Guy Buttery and Runaway Train Cult to name a few.

Overhead view of the Park.
Overhead view of the Park.
Surrounding Street Art
Surrounding Street Art

Synonymous with Maboneng, the event was centred around community interaction and being held at the Common Ground park fed directly into that ethos. The park is architecturally designed and utilised by the Spark Maboneng School and the Maboneng Precinct community. This lends itself for industrial recreation as is evident in the adaptations of childrens play area and facilities.

Stage is set
Stage is set

The “stage” was set in a mini amphitheatre within the park. Food stalls and a bar catered the event and made for a easy, delicious offering. The day started off with wonderful sunny skies and slightly maybe too hot weather, however it was temporarily interrupted by a freak storm, which put off the festivities for a while. However once the bad weather passed over the music and chilled Saturday vibes returned.

Overall, it was a great way to spend a summer Saturday afternoon. The music was really great, the full line up looked something like this:

  • Sound Zero – Gates open – 10h00
  • Sound One – Matthew Mole – 11h00
  • Sound Two – Shotgun Tori – 12h00
  • Sound Three – The Muffinz – 13h00
  • Sound Four – Guy Buttery – 14h00
  • Sound Five – Tidal Waves – 15h00
  • Sound Six – Nakhane Touré – 16h00
  • Sound Seven – Runaway Train Cult – 17h00

Tickets are limited and details for future events can be found both on the Seven Sounds Website and through a link on the Maboneng Precinct website. I personally love any reason that gets me into the Maboneng Precinct, it’s always a pleasure to spend time in the city the entertainment is a welcome bonus.

Common Ground Surrounding street art
Common Ground Surrounding street art


Sunset @ Katy’s Palace

Katy's Palace Bar - Classy ride
Katy’s Palace Bar – Classy ride

It has been ridiculously hot in Johannesburg the last few days which is uncomfortable during the day but makes for wonderfully warm evenings, perfect for spending time at an eclectic quirky rooftop bar like Katy’s Palace Bar.

Exotic Entrance to Katy's Palace Bar
Exotic Entrance to Katy’s Palace Bar

I had heard about Katy’s Palace but hadn’t really been mainly since it isn’t open to trade everyday. In fact it’s main function is as an event venue, however they do a Sunday lunch buffet that has received rave reviews. I eventually made it to Katy’s Palace for an event (a work event…not my work event…I didn’t crash I was a plus 1) and I have to say from the moment we arrived I was blown away by the space and the decor to the extent that I didn’t really notice that it wasn’t really my event.

Katy’s Palace is situated in Kramerville Johannesburg, which has in the last few years really become a spot for trendy lifestyle spots and furnishings. Katy’s palace is located in a large warehouse space above a charming an exotic furniture and artefacts store which only adds to the charm. From the moment you approach the building and as you make your way up to the venue you are enticed with a variety of quirky and interesting art and objet d’art.

Quirky Art and Deco at the entrance
Quirky Art and Deco at the entrance
Interesting Art
Interesting Art

Once you enter the space you find yourself in a voluminous palatial open area, decorated in a rustic and eclectic array of furnishings and artifacts.



When we entered the sun was just on the horizon and streamed through the space highlighting and illuminating all the deco. The bar is a well placed an attraction on it’s own and the space flows out onto a veranda with the most spectacular view of the Sandton skyline.

Sandton Skyline view at Sunset
Sandton Skyline view at Sunset

The veranda was the perfect spot for the warm summer night and as drinks came and the band started playing, it really made for a beautiful evening. Since it was an event appetisers were served and ranged from sushi to haloumi, before single servings of chicken curry and rice and pasta came around. The food was delicious and the staff were friendly.

Katy's Palace Indoor Venue with Upper terrace
Katy’s Palace Indoor Venue with Upper terrace
Indoor Decor - Fireplace
Indoor Decor – Fireplace

Overall, Katy’s Palace Bar is definately a distinct venue and one that shouldn’t be missed. I think a Sunday lunch will be on my agenda soon.

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Lovely Little Blog Award

Lovely Little Blog Award
Lovely Little Blog Award

I got nominated for one lovely blog award by Justina Luther – Welcome to my Imagination when I just started my blog; all fresh about a month ago. Considering I just started the blog, the nomination was happily supportive and I really appreciate it. Since the nomination came I have been trying to make sure my blog is a little lovely…(I only hope I’m succeeding…) and scouring other blogs to nominate, then magically before I knew it a month went by. Never the less here is my One Lovely Blog post:)

The rules for this award are:

1.  Thank the person who nominated you for the award

2.  Display the banner/sticker/logo on your blog

3.  Share 7 facts or things about yourself

4.  Nominate 5 bloggers that you admire and inform nominees by commenting on their blog


A huge THANK YOU!! to Justine Luther for the nomination, getting it as I started was a wonderful motivation and welcome to the blogging world! I thank you so very much!!

7 Fun Facts about me…hmmm….

  1. I’m a Qualified Civil Engineer
  2. I’m quite short…1.56 m or 5′ 1″
  3. I have a not-so-secret love and fascination with both the TV series Nashville and Law & Order: SVU ( I think I’m a country music fan or it may be Tammy Taylor…and seriously Detective Benson, heart Mariska Hargitay!!)
  4. I am a bit of a tree hugger…by that I try my best to be conscious of the environment and act accordingly.
  5. If I could go anywhere in the world right now, it would be… Machu  Picchu in Peru.
  6. I am a master at stacking the dishwasher.
  7. I have an interestingly large collection of Bjork in my itunes and I’m not sure why…

Finally, please take a moment and check out these blogs.

  1. With All my Affection
  2. TwoBoysOneWorld
  3. Fitness on Toast
  4. Creating Something Everyday
  5. Following my Feet

Thanks to everyone who has taken a moment to read through my blog post’s or browse through the site. Being new to blogging, there’s a lot for me to learn and I appreciate the company on that journey. Every time I hear a ping for a like or a follow on a post  I feel like I’m doing ok…

So THANK YOU and keep coming and please let me know about any thoughts, feelings or emotions that this blog provokes.

Red Pepper and Onion Chutney Recipe

Red Pepper and Onion Chutney Recipe
Red Pepper and Onion Chutney Recipe

More recipes are coming this way, and I’m impressed with myself mainly since I have a savoury recipe to share. I’ve been doing my best to eat a lot of lean chicken and fish, after a while I felt like no matter how I prepared dinner it just tasted the same.

The Recipe for Red Pepper and Onion Chutney came about while I was trying to plan dinner and couldn’t think of a tasty side. I found a few recipes and examples on line, but inevitably went my own way with the basic ingredients I had at home.

The result is a treat, it’s gotten wonderful feedback from everyone who’s tried it and even better is that it goes perfectly well with just about everything rice dishes, sandwiches or even on the side with some roast.


It’s perfect to add just a little to any meal for extra flavour. The taste is relatively spicy with a tinge of sweet, although the recipe can be adjusted to best suit your needs. The type of oil used can be switched to coconut, sugar substitutes or less spice. Feel free to adjust and experiement and if you do give the recipe a try let me know how it turns out.




Recipe: Red Pepper and Onion Chutney

Prep: 10 min

Cook Time: 30 min



  • 1/4 Cup Oil
  • 1.5 tspn Mustard Seeds
  • 1 tspn Cumin Seeds
  • 2 whole green chilli
  • 1 sprig Curry Leaves
  • 1 Medium Onion, chopped
  • 1 tspn crushed Garlic
  • 3 Cups Red Bell pepper vary with some Pimento Peppers
  • 2 tspn sugar
  • 1 tspn red chilli powder
  • 1 can peeled tomatoes


  1. Warm oil in a sauce pan, once oil is warm add mustard seeds. The mustard seeds should start popping and will release a fragrance once ready. Add Cumin seeds, green chilli and onion. Let onions cook until soft and browned.
  2. Once onions are softened add curry leaves and garlic, stir and add red peppers. Let the pepper cook down for a few minutes, once slightly softened add sugar and red chilli powder.
  3. Finally add the can of peeled tomatoes and let the sauce simmer down on a low heat setting until oils come to the surface. Let the sauce cool completely before transferring to a jar and store in a refrigerator.

And that’s it, you get a wonderful tasty chutney that goes well with most meals. If you give it a try let me know how it goes.

Quick Classic Scones Recipe


I had a happy “kuier” (visit) with some good friends yesterday, and even though I knew they were coming I didn’t think to make something yummy until they got here.

It’s for that reason and those moments when you’re caught by surprise that classic scones are the perfect rescue! They’re delicious, quick and generally all the ingredients you need should be at hand so with minimal effort you have tasty treats.

There are numerous recipes for scones available and I love making different variations of the original such as lemon-blueberry or chocolate chip but as mentioned this is the quickest surest thing! There are numerous variations of the traditional scone recipe and I have tried a few, the recipe that I use is a combination of a few attempts and various recipes.

IMG_2118edit IMG_2117edit IMG_2116edit


Recipe: Quick Classic Scones

Prep: 10 min           Cook: 15 min

Serves: 6-8


  • 2 1/4 cup self-raising flour
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 cup butter, cut into cubes
  • 3 tbsp icing sugar
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp lemon juice

To Serve:

  • Butter
  • Jam
  • Whipped Cream
  • Grated Cheese


  1. Heat oven to 180C/200C. Mix flour with salt, sugar and baking powder in a large bowl. Using a grater, grate butter into mixture. Using your hands mix the butter into the flour mixture until it’s crumbly.
  2. Put the milk into a cup and add vanilla and lemon juice.  Make a well in the middle of the flour mix and combine the liquid using a fork. The mix will initially be a little sticky.
  3. Scatter additional  flour into the bowl and fold the dough over a few times until the dough forms a smooth pliable shape. Scatter some more flour on teh work surface and tip the dough onto the work surface. Pat it into a circular shape roughly 1 inch thick and using a round cutter (5cm diameter) cut circular shaped scones.
  4. Reshape the remaining dough and repeat the process until you have between 6 or 8 scones and you’ve used all the dough. Brush the tops with beaten egg, then place onto the baking tray.
  5. Bake for 15 mins until risen and golden on the top.

Devour!! You can have these fresh out of the oven with an assortment of condiments as above or whipped cream with a splash of honey which is my current favorite . Or you can save it for later…which is unlikely.


A Hug in a Mug

This past week has just gotten away from me, I haven’t had a moment to blog and I meant to post this before the big wedding weekend.

Exciting times since this is my first craft DIY post!

Cute Personalised Enamel Mugs with mini hot chocolate bags
Cute Personalised Enamel Mugs with mini hot chocolate bags


I am really happy to share this craft with you, it was a project we did to make wedding favour’s for my good friend’s upcoming wedding.


In light of that we made about 120 of these, which took a while…a little bit. This is a great inexpensive gift idea and if you’re making a few it’s relatively quick to make. There are many tutorial’s on pinterest and online for personalised mugs, in South Africa we do get a variety of marker’s including Sharpies that are becoming more readily available. For this project though I wanted to achieve a paint effect that had some texture. I scoured online and eventually ended up at the Herbert Evans in Rosebank, where a wonderful guy named Henry helped me find what turned out to be the perfect solution.

To make these cute crafty personalised enamel mugs you need the following products:

Paint and tools for the project
Paint and tools for the project
  • Enamel mug which is easily available at major retailers and come in a variety of colors. (R10.00)
  • Americana Writer paints (Red and Purple in the picture) by Deco Art. They come in a variety of colours and in a tube with an applicator. (+/- R 30.00)
  • Americana Gloss Enamel in black also by Deco Art (+/- R30.00)
  • Toothpicks or painting utensils that you are comfortable with.

Once you have all the necessary tools, it’s actually very quick and easy to make a personalised mug. A few things to note before you start is that you should decide on a design or concept before since writing on a curved surface can be tricky. Also, although the paints come with applicators on application it was quite thick so for our design and purpose it worked out better to use toothpicks as a drawing utensil.

Painting on the black
Painting on the black

Since we were doing multiple colours we first did the black which was the basis of the design and outlined the cute heart accents.

We then left the black paint to dry for a few hours before applying the colour paint. Overall the process of painting on the mug takes less than 15 minutes.

Painting on the Colour
Painting on the Colour

Once all the painting was done we left it to dry overnight before baking the mugs at 180 C for 30 minutes. And that’s it!!… we have 120 personalised mugs to give all the wedding guests. We filled each mug with a tasty single serving size hot chocolate complete with cookies and mini marshmallows.

Cute Personalised Enamel Mugs with mini hot chocolate bags
Cute Personalised Enamel Mugs with mini hot chocolate bags
Final Product - Cute Personalised Enamel Mugs
Final Product – Cute Personalised Enamel Mugs

Lusting for some wander…

Along with my baked good’s addiction I have a small travel problem. If it weren’t for my sane and responsible husband I could easily spend every last cent travelling to new and exciting places. My last few trips were all out of South Africa and they were amazing, I will blog about them in elaborate detail in future post’s.


Lately, however I have an overwhelming need to take a good old fashioned road trip. South Africa is a beautiful country, from the coast’s to the Kruger park and the Karoo it really is breathtaking. In honor of my edginess to start driving I thought I’d revisit a weekend trip I took with husband to the Golden Gate National Park.

Golden Gate National Park
Golden Gate National Park

The Golden Gate National Park is situated about 320km from Johannesburg in the Free State at the foot of the Maluti mountains, it is run by SANParkS . It is also about 40km from the quaint town of Clarens, however Clarens deserves it’s own post. What made the Golden Gate National Park special for me was the overwhelming grandeur of the sandstone cliff formations that stand guard. The colors of the rock formations cross varying hues of reds and purples and the sheer beauty that it creates is wondrous. In addition to the magnificent landscape that lends to exhilarating hiking, the national park also has ample bird and wildlife. There are other activities on offer such as horse riding, abseiling and canoeing.

Accommodation options in the area are varied, in fact since Clarens is so close, the options are endless. The park itself however has numerous and varied accommodation options such as camping facilities, self catering lodges and a newly renovated luxury hotel. We chose to stay at the Highlands Mountain Retreat which is a small collection of log cabins that sit at 2200m above sea level, which from what I understand is unique in South Africa. The view from our cabin was serene and stretched for miles. The self catering log cabins cater to couples and families and were spacious and clean. The undoubted star being the view, when you look out from your balcony perch you can easily get lost in the overlapping mountain range. The romance factor is exponential! When the weather turned the clouds descended on our cabin, it felt like we were the only people around for miles!

The Endless and Majestic view from the Cabin.
The Endless and Majestic view from the Cabin.

We did a good amount of hiking, the various trails in the park range in difficulty but every option is beautiful.

Hiking trails along Colourful rock formations.
Hiking trails along Colourful rock formations.
Sandstone Cliffs
Sandstone Cliffs
Hiking Trails
Hiking Trails


Pretty Colors
Pretty Colors

While our cabin was self catering the hotel has a restaurant and bar. The nearby town of Clarens has a variety of restaurants on offer. Overall the Golden Gate has a lot to offer, if you need a short trip out of the city it’s the perfect spot to spend time in the quiet wonder that is South Africa’s landscape.

A lifestyle adventure in Johannesburg