Tag Archives: Chutney

Red Pepper and Onion Chutney Recipe

Red Pepper and Onion Chutney Recipe
Red Pepper and Onion Chutney Recipe

More recipes are coming this way, and I’m impressed with myself mainly since I have a savoury recipe to share. I’ve been doing my best to eat a lot of lean chicken and fish, after a while I felt like no matter how I prepared dinner it just tasted the same.

The Recipe for Red Pepper and Onion Chutney came about while I was trying to plan dinner and couldn’t think of a tasty side. I found a few recipes and examples on line, but inevitably went my own way with the basic ingredients I had at home.

The result is a treat, it’s gotten wonderful feedback from everyone who’s tried it and even better is that it goes perfectly well with just about everything rice dishes, sandwiches or even on the side with some roast.


It’s perfect to add just a little to any meal for extra flavour. The taste is relatively spicy with a tinge of sweet, although the recipe can be adjusted to best suit your needs. The type of oil used can be switched to coconut, sugar substitutes or less spice. Feel free to adjust and experiement and if you do give the recipe a try let me know how it turns out.




Recipe: Red Pepper and Onion Chutney

Prep: 10 min

Cook Time: 30 min



  • 1/4 Cup Oil
  • 1.5 tspn Mustard Seeds
  • 1 tspn Cumin Seeds
  • 2 whole green chilli
  • 1 sprig Curry Leaves
  • 1 Medium Onion, chopped
  • 1 tspn crushed Garlic
  • 3 Cups Red Bell pepper vary with some Pimento Peppers
  • 2 tspn sugar
  • 1 tspn red chilli powder
  • 1 can peeled tomatoes


  1. Warm oil in a sauce pan, once oil is warm add mustard seeds. The mustard seeds should start popping and will release a fragrance once ready. Add Cumin seeds, green chilli and onion. Let onions cook until soft and browned.
  2. Once onions are softened add curry leaves and garlic, stir and add red peppers. Let the pepper cook down for a few minutes, once slightly softened add sugar and red chilli powder.
  3. Finally add the can of peeled tomatoes and let the sauce simmer down on a low heat setting until oils come to the surface. Let the sauce cool completely before transferring to a jar and store in a refrigerator.

And that’s it, you get a wonderful tasty chutney that goes well with most meals. If you give it a try let me know how it goes.