Tag Archives: dessert

Mission: Find the Perfect Brownie

Chocolate Brownie6

I have been dreaming of a brownie, a dense, chocolaty, fudgy, maybe a little cakey, thick, yummy brownie. I have to confess that I have a favourite and go to recipe for almost every dessert or cake but I don’t have one for the humble brownie.

Don’t get me wrong I have made some pretty tasty, delicious brownies but I am yet to find the one that I can give my whole heart to.  And so I have embarked on a mission to find that brownie that can fill this gaping hole and I’m going to chronicle this little mission. Let the brownie games begin!

Attempt no. 1: I found a well recommended recipe on Pinterest (No Pics…) and it did prove to be chocolaty and fudgy and richly delicious. It just wasn’t what I’m looking for.

Attempt no. 2: I found this recipe through the Brown Eyed Baker website, in fact there are a few recipes on there. Again this made amazing rich, fudgy, chocolaty  pieces of brownie heaven and everyone was pretty happy. Needless to say these didn’t last very long, they were pretty much wiped out as a testament to the tastiness.

Chocolate Brownie5 Chocolate Brownie3

These were epic, delicious and like a warm chocolaty hug, however still not the brownie I’m looking for. The top was cracked and inviting and the brownie itself was thick, fudge richness. I used this French Chocolate Brownie recipe and I would definately recommend it to anyone! In fact it will probably make an appearance here soon!

Chocolate Brownie7 Chocolate Brownie1 Chocolate Brownie8

So if anyone out there has a great brownie recipe for me to try leave a comment. Also I want to add that going on a mission to find the perfect brownie is a great idea, even if I don’t find what I’m looking for I still get delicious brownies to console me.



Joburg Market : 1 Fox – The Sheds

1 Fox Entrance

One of the latest additions to Joburg’s Market scene is 1 Fox – it’s a new market and event space that is wonderfully located along the western edge of Johannesburg CBD.

1 Fox
The Market venue is within a group of original industrial warehouse spaces that date back to the 1920’s. The history and story of the buildings is really great and plays such a valuable role in the presence of the shed. In fact it is a character on it’s own, it’s a great space to spend some time in. You can read more about the History on the 1 Fox website.

Warehouse Space Warehouse Space Warehouse Space

I am a huge sucker for Johannesburg CBD, I love anything that happens within the CBD and I happily jump at the opportunity to visit exciting new places. I have to be honest I am thrilled about the nodal revival that is happening in Johannesburg. I hope that the people who visit the markets love and enjoy the experience and keep coming back. It’s a huge nerdy dream of mine that there’ll be a day where Johannesburg CBD will one day be a fun, friendly place again.

Great Space Great Space

1 Fox is a market and event venue, the market itself is open from Fridays – Sundays and the Good Luck Bar (Which also has a rich history with the area) is open from Thursday night to Sunday. The bar has a wonderful stock of craft beers. The Shed also plays host to live music events and private functions.

The Good Luck Bar Bar Good Luck Bar

The market has a great space within the shed, there is ample seating and an entertainment area for kids. The vendors at the market range from design and goods to artisan bakers. The food market is well represented with a large variety of food on offer, including the popular Balkan Burger and Black Sam. There is such a great variety it’s actually a little difficult to decide where to start, between the food, tarts, desserts and drinks it may require more than one visit.

Food Market Food Market Balkan Burger Happy Me

The live music happens every Thursday night from 16:00 – 21:30 and the act’s change every week. To keep informed about all music events and exciting things happening at 1 Fox, follow them on Facebook or check the website.

Body Products Creative Vendor Joburg Places Tasty Treats Yummy Tart Treats Flower Shop

Make a turn at 1 Fox with the family or some friends its really a great space with wonderful atmosphere for all. If you do give it a visit let me know what you thought.


This is what love is!!

Valentines Day is almost upon us!!

I wanted to post this recipe mainly because I think it is the perfect treat for some Valentines Day celebrations or any celebrations, ok not even a celebration, at any time at all really.


I’m having some difficulty naming this delicious tasty dessert since there are so many wonderful aspects and flavours. Rich white chocolate, vanilla bean , chocolate butter pastry, fresh berries, creamy marscapone cheese and delightful cream cheese.


Then there’s the shape, I managed to make two one dainty and beautiful in a fluted tart pan and another rustic and wholesome in pie form both were delicious although the pie had more of the delicious filling. Finally, would the addition of cream cheese lean towards a part cheesecake making it a cheesecake pie/tart….


Names such as

  • Black & White berry cheesecake pie
  • Chocolate Vanilla tart
  • Double Chocolate Berry pie….

URGH!!! I don’t know what to call it other than delicious and amazing!! Any suggestions???

So the story behind the tart/pie debate came about since I made both with one recipe. I made the tart for a dinner with friends and for the beautiful blog pictures and I made the other with the remaining batter and crust in pie form for family consumption. The tart was delicious and beautiful and I managed to halt us devouring it so I could take some beautiful pictures for the blog post but alas the pictures just weren’t as great as I wanted. It was so delicious I knew I had to try get better pictures with the pie version. Hence the identification debate.


The inspiration for this dessert came about from Chocolate Marscapone Tarts over on La receta de la Felicidad and I used the pastry recipe which worked out perfectly. I completely redesigned the filling and i can vouch for how well it turned out.



Recipe: Double Chocolate Vanilla pie wonder (Another name…)

Serves : 24cm Tart / 20cm Pie



  • 200 g flour (1 3/4 cup)
  • 40 g unsweetened cocoa powder (1/3 cup)
  • 1 pinch powdered cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 80 g sugar (1/2 cup)
  • 150 g butter, very cold, and cut into squares (2/3 cup)
  • 60 ml Full cream milk


  • 100 g good quality white chocolate
  • 250 ml fresh cream
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 tub mascarpone cheese at room temperature
  • 1 Vanilla pod
  • 200 g Philadelphia Cream Cheese
  • 1/2 cup icing sugar (confectioners sugar, sifted)


  • Strawberries or any berries of your choice
  • Chocolate sauce drizzle


  1. To prepare crust: Combine Flour, sugar, cayenne pepper and salt in a large bowl. Using a grater, grate butter into bowl and using your hands work the butter into the flour mix until mixture is crumbly. Slowly add milk to the mix until it combines and comes together. Cover dough and place in a freezer for 15 min whilst heating the oven to 180C /350F.
  2. Remove crust from freezer and roll into circular form that will comfortably fit into a tart pan or pie dish. Place crust onto tart pan/pie pan cutting away excess dough at the top. Blind bake pastry for 25 – 30 min at 180 C (350 F). Allow pastry to cool completely.
  3. To prepare Filling: Place a medium saucepan on a low heat setting with the fresh cream. Once cream comes to a light boil, remove from heat and add chopped white chocolate and butter. Stir until all ingredients melt. Add vanilla seeds from 1 vanilla pod and stir all to combine.
  4. In a seperate bowl using a hand mixer or stand mixer blend cream cheese and icing sugar together, until a smooth mix forms. Add marscapone cheese and blend again until smooth. Slowly add cream, butter and chocolate mixture into the cheese mix until a thin, smooth mix results.
  5. Once pastry is cooled add filling into pastry and refridgerate until set or overnight.
  6. Remove from pan and decorate with berries and chocolate sauce to your hearts content.

Don’t forget to let me know what you think.