Tag Archives: One Lovely Blog

Lovely Little Blog Award

Lovely Little Blog Award
Lovely Little Blog Award

I got nominated for one lovely blog award by Justina Luther – Welcome to my Imagination when I just started my blog; all fresh about a month ago. Considering I just started the blog, the nomination was happily supportive and I really appreciate it. Since the nomination came I have been trying to make sure my blog is a little lovely…(I only hope I’m succeeding…) and scouring other blogs to nominate, then magically before I knew it a month went by. Never the less here is my One Lovely Blog post:)

The rules for this award are:

1.  Thank the person who nominated you for the award

2.  Display the banner/sticker/logo on your blog

3.  Share 7 facts or things about yourself

4.  Nominate 5 bloggers that you admire and inform nominees by commenting on their blog


A huge THANK YOU!! to Justine Luther for the nomination, getting it as I started was a wonderful motivation and welcome to the blogging world! I thank you so very much!!

7 Fun Facts about me…hmmm….

  1. I’m a Qualified Civil Engineer
  2. I’m quite short…1.56 m or 5′ 1″
  3. I have a not-so-secret love and fascination with both the TV series Nashville and Law & Order: SVU ( I think I’m a country music fan or it may be Tammy Taylor…and seriously Detective Benson, heart Mariska Hargitay!!)
  4. I am a bit of a tree hugger…by that I try my best to be conscious of the environment and act accordingly.
  5. If I could go anywhere in the world right now, it would be… Machu  Picchu in Peru.
  6. I am a master at stacking the dishwasher.
  7. I have an interestingly large collection of Bjork in my itunes and I’m not sure why…

Finally, please take a moment and check out these blogs.

  1. With All my Affection
  2. TwoBoysOneWorld
  3. Fitness on Toast
  4. Creating Something Everyday
  5. Following my Feet

Thanks to everyone who has taken a moment to read through my blog post’s or browse through the site. Being new to blogging, there’s a lot for me to learn and I appreciate the company on that journey. Every time I hear a ping for a like or a follow on a post  I feel like I’m doing ok…

So THANK YOU and keep coming and please let me know about any thoughts, feelings or emotions that this blog provokes.

When you make plan’s…

2015 started for me in an unexpected hospital visit, so my plans of a 1st day of 2015 blog post were slightly thwarted.

Alas all is salvaged and I’m back at it:) One of the most frustrating things about my hospital stay, (other than the fact that it’s a terrible way to spend new years…and, well the hospital part…) was the notification of a lovely little blog nomination!!!(frustrating because I couldn’t do anything about it!) How extremely exciting?!! I cannot even begin to explain how my inner excited child self was turning cart wheels!! Thank you so very much Justina Luther.

Let me take this opportunity to warn you of a very long blog post.

IMG_5511For a few months I’ve been trying to incorporate meditation into my daily routine. I thought it would be a good way to incorporate relaxation, positivity and focus into my sometimes haphazard way of going about things. Also, I feel like it can get loud in my head and meditation is one of the methods I really wanted to commit to, if not for balance just as a personal experiment. So I scoured pinterest and read books on different meditations and mindfulness and some were relatively simple and other’s were varsity level. None of them felt right for me though, for some reason it felt too forced or just too much.

Wondrously last week I was scrolling through my pinterest feed and

6 Phase meditation infographic, Mindvalley academy
6 Phase meditation infographic, Mindvalley academy

came across a pin from the mindvalleyacademy.com blog. I found an infographic (I have, like a lot of people a deep appreciation for infographics, so much info in an entertaining image!) it was a 6 phase meditation. The blog provides the infographic and a video for guided meditation. I initially tried the guided meditation video and I have to be honest even after my first meditation I loved it!! In fact I liked it so much I immediately downloaded the Omvana app, which is currently free on the Iphone app store and comes with a few free mediation audio’s one of which is the 6 phase meditation.

Meditation to me is something every person experiences in a different way so while I don’t want to go into in depth detail I do want to suggest you give this mediation a try. Also although I’m new to the Omvana app I have to say thus far that the app itself is a wonderful resource for beginner meditation. The store is really comprehensive so I’m sure as you progress and your needs change through the process the app allows for easy navigation and self designed advance. Additional meditations can be bought off the app and prices range from $0.99 to $7.99 (that I’ve seen so far) the range is extensive and I’m pretty sure you could find a meditation fit for you.

Ok so this post has gone on long enough, I will continue to use this 6 phase meditation for the time being, but I know that I can easily adapt with the app. I probably will also try a few group meditation sessions in Johannesburg and when I do I will let you know. 🙂