Tag Archives: space

Sunset @ Katy’s Palace

Katy's Palace Bar - Classy ride
Katy’s Palace Bar – Classy ride

It has been ridiculously hot in Johannesburg the last few days which is uncomfortable during the day but makes for wonderfully warm evenings, perfect for spending time at an eclectic quirky rooftop bar like Katy’s Palace Bar.

Exotic Entrance to Katy's Palace Bar
Exotic Entrance to Katy’s Palace Bar

I had heard about Katy’s Palace but hadn’t really been mainly since it isn’t open to trade everyday. In fact it’s main function is as an event venue, however they do a Sunday lunch buffet that has received rave reviews. I eventually made it to Katy’s Palace for an event (a work event…not my work event…I didn’t crash I was a plus 1) and I have to say from the moment we arrived I was blown away by the space and the decor to the extent that I didn’t really notice that it wasn’t really my event.

Katy’s Palace is situated in Kramerville Johannesburg, which has in the last few years really become a spot for trendy lifestyle spots and furnishings. Katy’s palace is located in a large warehouse space above a charming an exotic furniture and artefacts store which only adds to the charm. From the moment you approach the building and as you make your way up to the venue you are enticed with a variety of quirky and interesting art and objet d’art.

Quirky Art and Deco at the entrance
Quirky Art and Deco at the entrance
Interesting Art
Interesting Art

Once you enter the space you find yourself in a voluminous palatial open area, decorated in a rustic and eclectic array of furnishings and artifacts.



When we entered the sun was just on the horizon and streamed through the space highlighting and illuminating all the deco. The bar is a well placed an attraction on it’s own and the space flows out onto a veranda with the most spectacular view of the Sandton skyline.

Sandton Skyline view at Sunset
Sandton Skyline view at Sunset

The veranda was the perfect spot for the warm summer night and as drinks came and the band started playing, it really made for a beautiful evening. Since it was an event appetisers were served and ranged from sushi to haloumi, before single servings of chicken curry and rice and pasta came around. The food was delicious and the staff were friendly.

Katy's Palace Indoor Venue with Upper terrace
Katy’s Palace Indoor Venue with Upper terrace
Indoor Decor - Fireplace
Indoor Decor – Fireplace

Overall, Katy’s Palace Bar is definately a distinct venue and one that shouldn’t be missed. I think a Sunday lunch will be on my agenda soon.

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